Sunday, November 15, 2015

Post 5

America, land of the free and the home of the brave. A place where man can travel across land and sea for opportunity and achieve success. However, to achieve such success requires time and effort. So much so that us as americans feel if we are not doing something productive or proactive every second of our lives then we are wasting our time. And as we all know, time is money, and money in america equals out to the success that we strive for. For example, In the movie Tuesdays with Morrie The main protagonist of the movie was so engrossed by his every day life that he barely had time to be with the people that he loved or do the things he previously enjoyed. Mitch was so caught up in his work that it took one of his college teachers and close friend dying to come out of the environment he and his american values put himself into. These values of success and time commitment are all around us in america. Although it is not only in our workplaces anymore, people are so concerned with their personal success that they starting to stress out over their future in High School. Here at our local High School we are drilled from the age of 14 with information and values of high ACT scores and amazing GPA's that any form of social life is near impossible to create. The stress that I have felt from as early as my freshman year is crazy to think that as an american we are programmed to think that the only happiness we will find is in what we can have in our future and not just taking a moment  to appreciate those who are in our lives now and being grateful for what we have and letting the future come got us instead of us going to the future.

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